Farming for Health Podcast #14: Kristin Donnelly

Farming for Health Podcast #14: Kristin Donnelly

 Dr. Amy Sapola recently chatted with Kristin Donnelly, the co-author of The Chef’s Garden: A Modern Guide to Common and Unusual Vegetables—With Recipes. By the time of this collaboration, Kristin was firmly established in the culinary world with her journey starting in France—the place where she had studied during her junior year in college. 

Calling it a “cliché” to begin embracing the world of food in France, she nevertheless appreciated how the food tasted and how well her host family ate. This sparked her interest in food so much that, when returning to the United States, she started to take cooking classes. She then worked at a few jobs with a friend telling her that, to be happy, she should switch to working with food.

This resonated with Kristin, so she applied for scholarships for culinary school and attended the Institute of Culinary Education in New York. She followed this up by a Food and Wine internship, one she expected to last for six weeks before she returned to France to work as a private chef. The publication, though, kept offering her projects; then, a staff position opened up for her.

Kristin called this a “dream job,” one that she stayed for eight years until she had a child and needed something more flexible. She then took on a range of freelance projects, including writing and recipe development and testing, staying largely behind the scenes.

Her partnership with The Chef’s Garden and Farmer Lee Jones was her first collaboration of this type, and it created a special niche for her, opening up plenty of opportunities. Currently, she is working on a book about Indigenous North American food with Chef Sean Sherman and scholar Elizabeth Hoover.

To find out more about her journey, listen to it in her own words in our Farming for Health podcast Episode 14: Cauliflower, Potlucks, and the Joy of Food.

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