Food Safety and Traceability: We Take Them Very Seriously

Food Safety and Traceability: We Take Them Very Seriously
At The Chef's Garden, we often talk about how delicious and nutritious our farm-fresh vegetables are. We recognize how important flavor and good health are to you and they are top priorities for us every single day. We also recognize how you want to be confident that your food is grown, packaged, and shipped in ways that ensure the maximum of food safety.
Before we get into the specifics of premier food safety procedures at The Chef’s Garden, here is our food safety certificate that shows how our final audit score on the certificate from March 2021-March 2022 is at 100%.
We take food safety seriously—and it shows.
Food Safety News
A December 2020 article in Food Safety News shares how half of the people surveyed are “more concerned about the safety of their food . . . People are increasing their food safety focus.”
At The Chef’s Garden, we focus on food safety from the moment our team plants a seed in our healthy soil until the time our fresh vegetables and herbs are shipped directly to your front door. This happens in numerous ways, including through:
- our cutting-edge food traceability system
- our intensive food safety training program
- dedicated staff who are devoted to carrying out our food safety initiatives
- the commitment of everyone on the farm to ensure a comprehensive involvement in the process
These are key ingredients in our uncompromising commitment to provide you with the safest produce in the industry.
112 SOPs, Three Cleaning Cycles and Two Bonus Procedures
At our farm, each and every one of our food safety programs are laser targeted towards reducing the likelihood of microbial contamination through the entire production, packaging, and shipping procedures. These include:
- 54 food safety standard operating procedures (SOPs) that focus on our growing practices
- 58 more SOPs, with these focusing on processing or packaging procedures
- Three daily cleaning cycles
Plus, we have two more cutting-edge procedures:
- PCR testing of water that’s used to wash produce; this is something that fewer than one percent of United States’ farms do
- Extreme Microbial Technologies air purification system that allows everything touched by air molecules in our packing/shipping area to be sanitized
Although the air purification system is fairly new—just one more step in our innovative, continual improvements—farm food safety initiatives have been part of who we are from day one.
Food Traceability
When buying food from grocery stores, there are often some pretty complicated supply chain steps to trace. With food grown on our farm, it’s much simpler:
- Grown on our farm
- Shipped directly to your family’s front door and enjoyed on your kitchen table
Plus, to ensure that our food safety protocols are the most comprehensive ones possible, our trace-back system records and tracks every single one of our products: from the moment it’s a seed until it’s delivered to one of our treasured customers.
Order Your Fresh Vegetables Today!
We continue to add more products to our website, each of them delicious and nutritious, grown with food safety front of mind. Order your favorites today!
We also invite you to check out our At-Home Garden Kit.
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