U-Pick Flowers at The Farm Market

Our traditional u-pick season takes place during the months of July, August, & September. Opening and closing weekend for the flower garden are decided upon by Mother Nature and the seasonal frost dates. Please follow along with us on social media or our website where we will post our seasonal dates and hours.
When the farm is open for u-pick flowers, we have cups and buckets available for sale for anyone who would like to pick additional flowers.
- Sometimes Mother Nature can make our fields a little soggy and slippery so be sure you bring appropriate footwear.
- Sunglasses, water bottles, hats, and sunscreen can make our sunshine filled fields a lot more enjoyable during the summer months.
- Some people enjoy wearing gloves as a few plants might have scratchy leaves and sap.
- We welcome you to take photos of the flowers and your experience on the farm to share with your friends @farmerjonesfarm
- We will provide garden pruners for you to cut your flowers, but you are welcome to bring a favorite pair if you prefer.
- The cost of a cup or bucket to transport your flowers home is included in the cost of U-Pick. There is a discount for bringing back and re-using your cup or bucket.
- Dogs are welcome on the farm, but we ask that you clean up any messes your dog makes, indoors or out. Dogs are not permitted in the Strawberry U-Pick area for food safety reasons.
We offer two price points for our U-Pick flowers. We don’t want to take away from your experience on the farm by counting the stems you have. If you have questions we are more than happy to help you while you are here.
This cup is included in the price and is yours to keep. Perfect for someone looking to sprinkle joy throughout their home. On each subsequent purchase you will get $2 off when using your Flower Cup.
A great option for the DIY bride, baby shower, or anyone who wants to spoil themselves. This bucket is included in the price and is yours to keep. On each subsequent purchase you will get $3 off when using your Flower Bucket.
Fill a twist tie with a bunch of lavender, with 8 varieties to choose from! This aromatic herb will dry out and smell great all season long.
- Season pass includes a cup for the passholder to bring to the farm one time per week, for 8 visits during our 2024 season.
- Passholders will be provided with a personalized season pass card. Each time the season passholder visits the farm during the 2023 season, they will have the pass card hole punched by a cashier.
- Passholders can pick up their cup or bucket during their first 2023 farm visit. Passes are non-transferable.
- The passholder must be present during use.
- Flower Cup Pass (32oz. similar size to a tall vase or mason jar)
- Includes a flower cup and 8 u-pick flower visits during the 2024 growing season.
- Bucket Pass (One Gallon)
- Includes a 1 Gallon bucket and 8 u-pick flower visits during the 2024 growing season.
- Park in the designated parking areas and come into the market and see a cashier to get started.
- Choose what size container you want to pick into.
- Fill your container with water to keep the flowers fresh.
- Time to start cutting flowers! Read below to learn how to properly cut flowers.
- Most people spend about an hour or so on the farm. We close at 5:00PM on Thursdays & Fridays, and 3:00PM on Saturdays and ask that you please give yourself plenty of time to pick your flowers.
- Once you have cut your flowers, return the garden pruners.
- If you have not already done so, or if you picked more than your container can hold, checkout is in the market building.
- ENJOY the beauty you harvested.
- Look for your favorite flower in the bunch. Hold the flower just below the blossom. Lightly grip so you do not crush the stem or accidentally break the flower.
- Cut one individual stem at a time. Be sure to cut long stems, this will allow you to fit more in your vessel and is better for the plant. The length from your wrist to elbow is what we recommend.
- Gently remove the bottom ⅔ of the leaves, and place the stem in water right away
- We do not recommend leaving your flowers in a hot car and try to keep them out of direct sunlight.
- I am sure we have all smelled the terribly smelly old flower water. Just rinsing it out before the next use is not good enough. The most important thing to keep your flowers fresh is starting with a clean vase or jar at home. Using hot soapy water or even a touch of bleach to clean it after each use is super important. Bacteria in the water clog the stems’ ability to take up water and will drastically reduce vase life.
- Give the stems a fresh cut at a 45-degree angle before putting them in the clean vase(s) at home. This maximizes the surface area for water uptake.
- Be sure there are no leaves below the water line in the vase. This will cause the water to build bacteria quickly.
- We recommend every 2-3 days changing the water and giving the stems a fresh cut on the bottom.
- Keeping the flowers away from direct sunlight will also extend their vase life.